Stories are the currency we use to share our lives and experiences with others. Meet some of the people and organizations served by Foundation-funded programs, and learn how they are making a difference in communities across Colorado.


In July 2014, 83-year-old Catalina Gonzalez was in a tough situation: A paperwork glitch left her without Medicaid and without benefits through the Medicare Savings Program…

Waneta Timmerman knew she needed expensive surgery. She could feel it, literally in her bones. Standing up all day on the hard floor of…

Morgan Kinney was struggling to set up a business and a life for himself and his recent bride. As a trained counselor, Kinney had the…

In 2007, Ada Menzies met a social worker who helped her elderly parents living in Edgewater. After her parents died, the social worker encouraged Menzies to attend a therapy…

In the process of expanding her residential and commercial cleaning business to include organizing services, Megan was…

Open enrollment takes on new meaning in rugged mountain counties like Chaffee and Lake, home to the breathtaking views…

Building a community of long-term services and supports, the focus of this issue of Health Elevations, can be as much play as it is work. The senior center in Montrose is a…

As ethics consultants, Constance Holden at Boulder Community Hospital and Jean Abbott at University Hospital in Aurora are often called on to help resolve conflicts that…

Redmon, Mallory Redmon is looking forward to the chance to tweak her own health coverage this open enrollment while she nurses a sore…

A Look at Why Things Changed Editor's Note: A stable and progressively designed Medicare program is clearly one key to supporting the long-…

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